the creative collaboration of

Sea Zeda & Michelle Lea Tift

Divider Ornament Line

Fundamental Force, 2023

Structures have a tendency to point toward the observer, 2023

Binary Star, 2023

20,000 Leagues, 2023

Future Fossils, 2023

We do not dream of labor, 2022

Dreams of accountability, thriving, wonderment

Sleeps the sleep of the just

We do not dream of labor.

Choices I made when wide asleep, 2022

Compassion or Revenge, 2022

CUNTquistador, 2022

We wave a white flag not to surrender,

rather to signal we are here to reclaim

and set free what has been dominated.

Our bodies. Mother Earth.

Join us under the banner of our resolve.

It’s intentional not a flailing accident, 2022

Bulge, 2022

Desired Perceptions, 2022

Un-named (monolith), 2022

Disassociations, 2022

A Shared Emotional Experience, 2022

We wear each other’s vision of ourselves/I love you, I want for you & I want for ​me/We could have been chaos/Thank you for not showing up/To hold my meaning ​loosely in my hands/You hold your meaning above all/I win. We both lose/When the ​path is unclear, find your breath/It will return you home/To make ourselves together

It took me thirty years to understand, 2022

Someone else could do this better, 2022

Stay Gold Pony Boy, 2022

State of Flow, 2022

Divider Ornament Line

Attic Portrait is a collaborative creative practice by Michelle Lea Tift ​and Sea Zeda that explores the intersection of personal and societal ​expectations through multimedia art. Their work spans soft ​sculptures, installations, and digital performances, using textiles as a ​central medium to delve into their inner selves. Techniques such as ​pinching, binding, projecting, and exposing are employed to honor the ​complexities of an integrated life, reflecting the tension between ​abstraction and representation.

Zeda holds a B.F.A. from Pratt Institute, while Tift has a B.A. from ​Hunter College, CUNY.



  • Liminal Space, Glass Outhouse Gallery, Twentynine Palms, CA


  • We do not dream of labor, Ground Floor Junction, Los Angeles, CA



  • 312 Broadway an Open Studio Project, New York City, NY


  • Open Call: Apophenia, LA Municipal Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
  • IOS 14, curated by Carmen Acosta, Project Space Gallery, Inglewood, CA
  • Goddesses and Monsters, curated by The Association of Hysteric ​Curators, Ladies Room, Los Angeles, CA


  • IOS Video, curated by Inglewood Open Studios, The Miracle Theatre, ​Inglewood, CA
  • IOS 13, curated by Carmen Acosta, Project Space Gallery, Inglewood, CA
  • Cirque Du Sanity, Pop Up Gallery, Los Angeles, CA



  • Guest Lecturer, Networking, Building Your Community, and How ​Community Can Grow After College, Otis College of Art and Design, Los ​Angeles, CA




Divider Ornament Line


